What is live streaming?
This may seem like a stupid question since everyone and their mother are doing it. From insta to Facebook and all around, someone puts up a camera and records a performance somewhere and people love. It's cheap and effective in capturing a fragment of a moment. But only a fragment. Sometimes the lighting is not perfect, sometimes the camera is too far or the audio is terrible, sometimes there is even a thumb in the picture. And why do we do it? For the everyday person maybe it's To capture a creative inspirational moment that is not available under normal circumstances. Something that we can keep with us to remind us of that time. Even if it does suck.
But more of my question is why do musicians do it? Why do they do it in their home or rehearsal set up with their phone and a light ring around them.
Does this capture anything that feels real to you? Is it something that you think is representational of who you are? Are you just playing over a backing track showing off your chops in fancy clothes or are you actually delivering a piece of yourself to your fans. Or is it all about cash.
I'll tell you what it is to me. My band live streams because there are moments that are never available to anyone but us in the rehearsal studio. Moments of panic and brilliance. They are fresh and exclusive and lose from once they are done. These are the moments that we want to share with folks.
We are not an "Electronica" band, we cannot recreate the exact same thing we have just done with the push of a button. Everything we do is from just playing our instruments with our bandmates. Personal and universal at the same time.
If you've gone this far the next question is why am I talking about all of this.
I believe in the moment of creation. Not the biblical one, nor the biological one, but the musical one. When Ideas are just pouring out of the and a lightning speed. As a producer I have been looking for situations that can nurture that experience my whole career. Going to live shows with a full recording rig is expensive not even costing the video people involved.
So we here at Potrero Post Studio have developed a cure for that.
Our live stage. In a nutshell we can record 32 tracks of instruments and 3 camera video shoot at the same time on a beautifully lit stage all the while streaming it live to your favorite site.
And when you done you walk away with all of that material to mix, overdub, edit whatever you want to do at any other studio including your home studios. to release in different ways and formats for as long as you wish.
Here is one scenario:
Your band has been writing together for a while and you need information for content creation. You have a songs prepared to work on. You come into the studio for a day and record your album live.
8 songs can be recorded live in an hour. Do that 5 times and you have choices. Especially since it's all locked to video. Take 30 second of take 1 and put it up on TiKTOk. Take all of take 3 to mix for the album.
8 songs 5 times or 1 song 50 times. Whatever you'd like.
Drop us line, make an appointment to see and hear the studio and see what we can do for you.
​ This also applies to podcasters. Why would you want to cast from your bedrooms? Does it help you reach your audience members better? IF it does more power to you!
Does it give you greater access to your river of authenticity?
Again, more power to you.
But if you need an easy single stop solution where you can record a months worth of high definition audio and/or video podcasts
in a single day, why wouldn't you do it?
You have a pre scripted-or at least a well mapped idea for each episode you want to record, You can blow out as much as 4 episodes in a session. That's a month worth of work in one day. You can have show guests and multiple inputs for table top concerts. Video/information on our 65" hd monitor behind you.
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